Major haemorrhage – Dr Laura Green
Suzy talks to Laura Green about the practical aspects of major haemorrhage and the evidence underpinning practice

Hairy Cell Leukaemia and reclassifying Variant HCL – Dr Nilima Parry-Jones and Dr Anurag Joshi
This week we discuss Hairy Cell Leukaemia and reclassifying Variant HCL with Dr Nilima Parry-Jones and Dr Anurag Joshi

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia – Dr Quentin Hill
Suzy speaks to Quentin Hill about pitfalls in diagnosis and treatment of haemolytic anaemia.

Special components in transfusion – Dr Suzy Morton
Helen talks to Suzy Morton about different blood components and when they are indicated.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia – Dr David O’Connor
Suzy talks with Dr David O’Connor about Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Haemovigilance – Dr Shruthi Narayan
Suzy talks with the medical director of SHOT about the 2021 SHOT report and hot topics in haemovigilance.

Thrombophilia – Dr Will Lester
Thrombophilia testing can be confusing. Dr Will Lester speaks to Helen about when it’s useful… and when it’s not.

Management of sickle cell anaemia: part 2 – Dr Shivan Pancham
Sickle cell anaemia is a common inherited disorder with many chronic complications as well as acute presentations. Finally there are some novel treatments on the horizon. Dr Shivan Pancham discusses current management with Suzy. Part 2

Management of sickle cell anaemia: part 1 – Dr Shivan Pancham
Sickle cell anaemia is a common inherited disorder with many chronic complications as well as acute presentations. Finally there are some novel treatments on the horizon. Dr Shivan Pancham discusses current management with Suzy. Part 1

Current management of Essential Thrombocythaemia with Dr Hayder Hussein
Helen discusses Current management of Essential Thrombocythaemia – Dr Hayder Hussein

Clinical use of granulocytes
Granulocytes in England are unusual as they are provided as a component pooled from whole blood. Helen and Suzy discuss when their use should be considered and what to watch out for when using them

Diagnosis and Treatment of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria with Dr Morag Griffin
PNH is a very rare disease but it is important for all haematologists to know when to test and what to do when a clone is detected. Suzy talks to Dr Morag Griffin about diagnosis and management.

Amyloidosis with Professor Guy Pratt
Amyloid is rare but often diagnosed late. Helen talks to Prof Guy Pratt about what to look out for and how to make a diagnosis when amyloid is suspected

Characteristics of blood group systems part 1: antibody testing and the Rh group – Tom Bullock
There are lots of different blood group systems and antibodies that can cause transfusion reactions and haemolytic disease of the newborn. Tom Bullock talks Suzy through their different characterists

Anticoagulation dilemmas – Dr Gill Lowe
Anticoagulation dilemmas with Dr Gill Lowe

Platelet aggregometry and inherited platelet disorders – Dr Gill Lowe
Familial ITP is very rare so if a FH exists, think about hereditary platelet disorders. Get historical plt counts and bleeding challenge history.

CAR-T therapy – Dr Sridhar Chaganti
We are just at the start of what many are calling “the CAR-T cell revolution”. But what are CAR-T cells, how are they made, who can receive them and what are the draw-backs? Dr Sridhar Chaganti talks to Suzy Morton about haematology’s latest breakthrough.

Patient blood management – Dr Suzy Morton
Everyone talks about patient blood management but what actually is it? Helen quizzes Dr Suzy Morton on the practical elements of patient blood management, including a run through a practical approach to iron deficiency.

ABO and D typing – Sara Wright
Sara Wright, clinical scientist at NHSBT, talks Suzy through the different methods for obtaining and ABO and D group, the common discrepancies that arise and how to resolve them.

Categorisation and management of von Willebrand Disease – Dr Will Lester
Dr Will Lester explains how best to approach the diagnosis and how management differs depending on the subtype

Advances in the classification and management of myelodysplasia – Dr Manoj Raghavan
Dr Manoj Raghavan speaks to Suzy about the 2016 revised WHO classification of MDS and gives some hints about what is likely to be coming in the revised BSH guideline.

Management of acute myeloid leukaemia – Dr Manos Nikolousis
Listen to Helen talk to Dr Manos Nikolousis about the Management of acute myeloid leukaemia

Blood support for ABO incompatible stem cell transplants – Dr James Griffin
Listen to Dr James Griffin as discusses the theory behind blood component support with Suzy and explains how to minimise the risks for patients having ABO incompatible transplants.

Current management of myeloma – Professor Guy Pratt
With so many new therapies for myeloma it can be difficult to keep up. Professor Guy Pratt speaks to Helen about recent changes to diagnosis of myeloma and emerging therapies

Current management of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia – Dr Helen Low
CLL is the commonest leukaemia in western society and management has changed dramatically over the past decade. Suzy talks to Dr Helen Parry about what new therapeutic options are available.

An update on the management of Follicular Lymphoma – Dr Toby Eyre
Confused on when to give obinutuzumab or rituximab or which chemotherapy backbone to use in follicular lymphoma? Helen quizzes Dr Toby Eyre on what the options are and the evidence behind the current management of follicular lymphoma.

Use of O D negative blood – Dr Suzy Morton
O D negative blood is in demand, and use will always run higher than the proportion of donors, but why is it so crucial to maintain the supply and how can we make sure we are using it wisely? Helen talks to Dr Suzy Morton about the issues.

An up-to-date overview on haemophilia management – Dr Charles Percy
It’s an exciting time for haemophilia management with recent developments including gene therapy, emicizumab and long acting recombinant factors. Listen to Helen quizzing Dr Charles Percy on the current management of haemophilia A and B.

Investigation of the patient with a panreactive antibody screen – Ruth Evans
Struggling to understand the difference between adsorptions and elutions? Ruth Evans from NHS Blood and Transplant talks Suzy through investigating the patient with a panreactive antibody screen.